Why Do I Need a Third Party?



When people in Hoboken want to purchase or sell a condo, they have a number of ways in which they can do this. One piece of advice is that they use a real estate agent, rather than going the “do it yourself” route. There are a lot of good reasons for this advice.

A very important reason that an agent is desirable is the fact that agents are trained for this. They have a lot of knowledge about the industry that it takes years to acquire. A crash course online won’t cover it all. This goes for their knowledge of the current conditions of the market as well.

An agent is also up-to-date on the environs of the neighborhood where you wish to purchase. The recent ups and downs in the realty industry make this a very important factor in getting the best deal on a condominium. It isn’t only your particular agent’s knowledge, either. There is a network of agents that share information, just as in other professions.

The process of negotiation can be a delicate matter. The detachment of an agent can take the emotions (the buyer really wants this property; the seller is emotionally attached to this condominium) out of the equation, and get the best deal for the client. They are trained in this important skill.

Paperwork is a huge part of the purchase or sale of a property. What looks like a mountain of gobbledygook to a person trying to sell-by-owner, or purchase privately, is routine to a competent real estate agent, who can translate the legalese into English. There are usually tons of questions after a deal has been closed that can also be answered quite easily by the agent.

Most people do not try to represent themselves in a courtroom situation, for good reason. They need the expertise of an attorney. That goes for patients in an operating room and doctors, also. Why would anyone want anything less when purchasing or selling their largest possession – their home?

Please let me know if I can be of any help to you in purchasing or selling a condominium in Hoboken!



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