Active Participation In Your HOA

HOAActive Participation In Your HOA

The increase in condo living in the Jersey City area and around the country is nothing short of phenomenal. Naturally, the increase in condo living has increased another entity, the Homeowners Association (HOA). Finding a condo with a good HOA is just about as important as finding the right condo in the first place.


What if it’s too late? What if you have already bought your condo, and the HOA is rife with problems? Well, you can just slog along and put up with the situation until you can afford to sell (possibly at a loss, since people are becoming more savvy about HOA’s) or you can do something about making things better.


The solution may require you to step out of your comfort zone and actually get yourself elected or appointed to the board of your HOA. (I can just hear the groans… “That’s all I need, more meetings to attend!”)  Well, you’re probably already required to attend a certain number of meetings of the HOA, anyway. If your presence at a few more will improve conditions, isn’t worth a little more of your time?


It’s especially important for people who understand the dynamics of management and planning to get involved in the process. A surprising number of the people who actually run the HOA’s aren’t really qualified for some of the tasks they are required to perform. Instead of planning for the future, many HOA’s are in a perpetual state of “catch-up & pay the piper”. They go from crisis to crisis, and need to keep assessing fees to resolve problems that could have been prevented with proper planning.


As the whole picture develops, some HOA boards are learning the importance of planning for such projects as strategic landscaping. It’s not just about making things attractive. The maintenance of some plans can be prohibitive in cost, while something just as appealing might cost considerably less in time and money.


Also, certain amenities adopted by many HOA’s are proving to be more of a liability than an increase in value. Again, people are needed who can look forward and discover if something will have lasting value or if it is just a passing fad. Since it’s your home and your money involved, wouldn’t it be a good idea to have a say? That’s one of the beautiful aspects of living in a free country like America. We understand the importance of exercising our right to participate in our future.


What special qualities and skills can you bring to your HOA board?

About Edward Perez

Named 100 Most Influential Real Estate Agents in New Jersey 2016, Edward's career spans 16 years and he is sought out for his innovative real estate marketing, media savvy & brokering of premium properties in the Hoboken, Jersey City & Northern New Jersey market place. He is an avid real estate investors, rehabber and team leader & founder of the NJ Luxury Group specializing in helping clients buy, sell, lease and invest.


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